Building reusable form components in React🚀

Building reusable form components in React🚀

Building reusable components, It's super easy and powerfulâš¡


2 min read

You save a lot of development time by building reusable components. Let's see how you can build reusable form components such as input and button in react. It's super easy, So let's get started🚀

Input component

Step 1: Create components folder inside src

Step 2: Create Input folder inside components

Step 3: Create Input.js inside Input

Inside the Input.js, create a function Input which will accept props as argument and will return input element

const Input = (props) => {
      const { className, onChange, } = props;
      const rootClassName = cn(styles.root, {}, className);

export default Input;

Here, className and onChange is destructured from the props and other arguments passed is destructured into rest variable. The classNames passed in the arguments and the root className is combined using classnames package availabe in npm.

You can install it using:

npm i classnames

onChange function is handled using the function:

 const handleOnChange = (e) => {
    if (onChange) {
    return null;

Input component will accept all the attributes which is supported by the input element and is passed to the input element using spread operator {}

Usage of the component:

        placeholder="Enter your name"
        style={{ width: "30%" }}

Button component

Step 1: Create Button folder inside components

Step 2: Create Button.js inside Button

Inside the Button.js, create a function Button which will accept props as argument and will return button element

const Button = (props) => {
  const { children, loading = false, disabled = false, } = props;
  const rootClassName = cn(styles.root, { [styles.disabled]: disabled });

  return (
    <button disabled={disabled} className={rootClassName} {}>
      {loading ? "loading" : children}

export default Button;

Here, while the usage of the component user can pass loading, disabled and other button attributes and they all are destructured and applied to the component. loading and disabled will be defaultly set to false so that even if the user doesn't pass those arguments, component will work fine. The children prop will be anything inside the component passed.

Usage of the component:

        style={{ width: "30%"}}
        Log in

Pro Tip💡

Export your component inside index.js so that the usage is easy

export { default } from "./Button";

Your directory will look like:


That's it folks! Thank You for reading.

Github repo for this project